Morrigan Miller
Floyd County Auditor
Morrigan Miller
Floyd County Auditor
Gloria ran in and won the November 2, 2004 election as a no party candidate against democratic and republican candidates to fill a vacated position. Since taking the oath on November 9, 2004, there have been many changes in the auditor’s office, the most significant being implementation of Help America Vote Act (HAVA) at the local level and the everchanging election laws since. Although being asked to join both party tickets, Carr has taken the position that her role as the Commissioner of Elections should stay unbiased with respect to party affiliation and has ran unopposed four subsequent 4-year terms as a “no party” candidate. Carr was raised as a farm girl in rural Floyd County, graduated from Charles City Community School District, attended college in Atlanta, GA, and North Iowa Area Community College, married husband Dennis in 1987 and has a stepdaughter, Michelle, and her husband and two beautiful granddaughters.
Floyd County Courthouse
101 South Main Street
Suite 302
Charles City, IA 50616
(641) 257-6131
(641) 257-6117
Office Hours
8:00 AM - 4:30 PM, Monday - Friday
Office Staff
Alexis Gallup, Clerk I - Accounts Payable
Jennifer Bauer, Clerk I - Real Estate/Elections/Drainage
Amanda Theilen, Auditor's Assistant