Tamera Stewart
Washington County Auditor
Tamera Stewart
Washington County Auditor
I am a lifelong resident of southeast Iowa, originally from Burlington until relocating to Riverside in 2018. My career in county government began as a clerk in the Des Moines County Recorder’s office in 2004. From there I transferred to the Auditor’s office briefly before landing in the Assessor’s office where I was a deputy until my move in 2018.
My main focus in county government has always been real estate, which stems from my previous employment as a land survey technician. I have been embracing the learning process of elections and all things Auditor since my start in Washington County in 2020.
My husband, Brad, and I have two grown sons, Bennett and Owen. Both boys married wonderful ladies in 2022 and we were later blessed with a granddaughter in April 2024.
Travel, reading and home improvement projects top my list of enjoyable past times when time allows.
Washington County Courthouse
222 West Main Street
P.O. Box 889
Washington, IA 52353
(319) 653-7715
(319) 653-7788
Office Hours
8:00 AM - 4:30 PM, Monday - Friday
Office Staff
Michelle Hyman, Deputy Auditor
Angela Langstraat, Voter Registration, Elections
Mya Talbert, Real Estate Administrator
Amber Day, Deputy, Human Resources